
Daily Updates for every area in Renfrewshire

May 11, 2008

Looking for lost relatives

Hi, I am trying to find a possible relative of mine, I hope you can help. Her maiden name is Isabella Ross Wilson and would be […]
May 9, 2008

Request for more volunteers

We now have a great bunch of volunteers who help with the Paisley website. All our volunteers have Paisley at heart and are always telling people […]
May 7, 2008

Womens 10K

Womens 10K Sunday 18th May 2008 Why not take part in this year’s Britannic Asset Management Women’s 10K in aid of Macmillan? Experienced runners can aim […]
May 7, 2008

Renfrewshire events May

Saturday 10th May 2008 Rugby Open Day, Birkmyre Park, Park Road, Kilmacolm, Celebrating the opening of the refurbished and extended Birkmyre Pavilion. The opening will be […]
May 6, 2008

Hamishes Hoose Newsletter

Piero from Hamishes Hoose, has kindly allowed us to publish his e-newsletter on to the website, so here it is. Hi Folks, Time for a […]
May 5, 2008

Call Crimestoppers

If you think you have witnessed a crime or something that should be reported to the Police and you wish to remain anonymous then why not […]
May 4, 2008

The Glen Cinema part 1

This video was broadcast on Discovery and can now be found on it is in three parts and is an excellent documentary. glen cinema Part […]