Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has a wide variety of practical uses. It has blended well into our lives and is beneficial in curing many medical issues. Along with the benefits, there are some adverse side effects that we simply cannot deny or ignore. Modern research and studies try to reduce these effects as much as possible to make it a safe therapy. Therefore, Hbot should be used with precautions and according to the recommendations of the experts to avoid the risks.



Hyperbaric oxygen chambers are cubes for treating many medical issues. It has medical as well as positive effects on mood and mental health. It has various forms, all having one purpose to promote our wellbeing. But every device should be used with proper care and protocols to avoid any harmful and detrimental outcomes. Hbot is safe but it cannot be used in some circumstances.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is risky in some conditions and should not be considered in such circumstances. They are:


  • High body temperature
  • Ear disease or injury
  • Pneumothorax
  • Patient with pacemaker
  • Hypertension
  • Heart failure
  • Pregnancy
  • Anxiety



The two primary reasons that cause complications in the process of Hyperbaric oxygen therapy are described as follows:


Hbot is a high-pressurized chamber that lets the user inhale more oxygen in a controlled environment. This high pressure is a leading adverse effect and we can understand it with the help of Boyle’s Law, which is; P1V1= P2V2.

According to this law, pressure is inversely proportional to volume. The increase in pressure will cause the volume to decrease. It means the empty spaces in the body will tend to be pressed when induced by high pressure.

Hbot is a high-pressurized chamber that causes the body to feel an external push. The body tries to maintain an equilibrium according to the changes in air pressure and available volume and it results in serious complications in the body.


Breathing too much oxygen can cause lung damage. A higher oxygen concentration level is the leading cause of oxygen toxicity and poisoning.


This toxicity can have serious effects throughout the body. It can cause anxiety, sleeping disturbance, migraine, nausea, or vomiting. It interferes with the oxygen-sensitive organs as well.  It can also disrupt breathing and cause respiratory failure.





Ear injuries are the most common complications of Hbot. There is an air cavity behind the eardrum in the middle-ear region. The Hbot chamber gives the user a highly pressurized environment. This high pressure causes severe push in the cavities which causes the eardrum to turn inward. Normally. The body tries to level the internal pressure with external pressure but in higher pressure changes, it damages the inner membranes. This impairment can lead to the rupture of inner membranes, ear-drum injury, or even hearing loss



Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides higher oxygen levels to diffuse in the body and promote body healing. This higher oxygen concentration sometimes leads to oxygen toxicity in the central nervous system. The addition of oxygen toxicity with higher pressure brings the body at risk of seizures and convulsions. This over-excitation of the muscles and interference with the CNS can also cause unconsciousness.


Pressure and oxygen-concentration changes in the Hbot chambers can cause adverse effects on the lungs. Lungs have specified air volume for breathing and respiratory processes. The pressure change develops extra air pockets in the lungs. This excess air induces pressure on the lungs causing chest pain and lungs to collapse. On the other hand, high oxygen levels cause pulmonary toxicity leading to difficulty in breathing and respiratory distress.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used to treat many cardiac conditions, however, atrial fibrillation and arrhythmia have also been reported in healthy people after this therapy. There are not many but still, it’s a serious debate. It is believed that the high pressure in the Hbot chamber causes a decrease in the conduction of electrical signals between the conduction nodes. The interference with the electrical activity of the heart causes disturbance in the rhythm of the heart which results in cardiac arrhythmia.



People undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy cope with many sessions to treat their medical illnesses. This repeated session exposes their oxygen-sensitive body organs to an oxygen-rich environment. The most common ophthalmological issue caused by Hbot is the changes in eyesight. It happens due to the osmotic alteration in the eye lens. The common temporary symptoms are vision blurring and nearsightedness (myopia) which heal naturally after the completion of the sessions.


Some studies have suggested that Hbot causes insulin stimulation in diabetic patients. The insulin starts the process of glucose utilization in the body cells for energy. Hbot also stimulates glucose utilization in the brain. Blood sugar level decreases and causes a condition called hypoglycemia.


Therefore, diabetic patients must have specific serum glucose levels before stepping into the hyperbaric oxygen chambers.



There are many minor adverse effects associated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy which are given as follows:



Many people have been reported who experienced headaches after Hbot. It is mainly due to the high pressure exerted externally causing a squeeze-feeling in the body.



It is common to feel tired after oxygen therapy. It can have many reasons but the major one is the drop in blood sugar levels after the therapy which causes fatigue.



Some people have fear of closed spaces and they experience claustrophobia in the enclosed oxygen chamber. It can be eradicated using a Multiplace-oxygen chamber where people can interact or by psychological behavioral therapies.



Hbot has an oxygen-rich environment that can cause oxygen toxicity in the body. The early symptoms appear as sweating, nausea, and vomiting.