Housing in Renfrewshire set for £75million investment
March 9, 2020Top Nightlife Attractions in Paisley
March 9, 2020Our Budget 2020/21
Here’s how our budget will be invested in Renfrewshire in 2020/21.
Key facts
- A £440million budget
- An investment package totalling £35million benefiting everyone in Renfrewshire
- A £385million five-year capital investment programme 2020/21-2024/25
- £13.9million of planned costs reductions and savings generated to support this budget
- A 4.64% increase on Council Tax, representing a £1.12 weekly increase to Band D households
- Confirmed Scottish Government grant of £341.9million
- A 2% inflationary increase in service charges
- Commitments to maintain teacher numbers and prioritise adult services
- £7.26million set aside for pay inflation
This budget builds on our existing long-term investments.
- £274million in Glasgow City Region City Deal projects to deliver long term inclusive economic growth
- More than £115million in town centre regeneration to help town centres flourish
- £47million to improve our roads and pathways
- More than £30million investment in our schools
- £10million to support tackling poverty and help people find work
- £4.5million supporting villages, community projects, assets and green spaces
Now, we bring £35million of new investment into Renfrewshire to address the climate emergency, promote inclusive growth and community empowerment, protect the most vulnerable in society and invest in education and young people.
Responding to the climate emergency
Vital action is needed for Renfrewshire to be carbon neutral by 2030 and the Council has a critical role to play in, leading, enabling and driving positive change. Team Up to Clean Up is improving the local environment and inspiring pride in our place and now we have set out new investments.
- £1million to establish a climate change fund, supporting the next steps of the Council’s climate emergency working group
- Bolster improvements to our pathways, cycle network and gullies with an extra £200,000
- £50,000 to fund a study identifying ways to improve bus transport across Renfrewshire
- £10,000 ongoing support for Fairtrade
Supporting those most in need
We continue to provide critical long-term targeted support for the most vulnerable people in our communities and these investments enhance our long-term commitment to tackling poverty.
- £2million to support the crucial work of the Renfrewshire’s Alcohol and Drugs Commission, working collaboratively to looking at all aspects of addiction and improve the lives of everyone affected, with a main focus on the wellbeing and mental health of children and early intervention for adults
- £1.8million additional funding for Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) to manage increasing demands in adult social care services
- £210,000 over the next three years to support families and children of relatives with head injuries
- £84,000 to support Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau
- £30,000 to further ongoing work supporting victims of domestic abuse
- £100,000 will top up the available Discretionary Housing Payments that support people in crisis
Investing in our future
We want to give every child the best start in life and our investments underline our commitment to provide the best possible learning environments, while we continue to provide free music tuition.
- Almost doubling our school investment fund to £52million, opening the door to the Scottish Government’s £1billion school estate funding and prioritising a much- needed new Paisley Grammar School and Thorn Primary in Johnstone
- £1.6million for further improvements to our school and early years facilities, in addition to £16million investment already underway to support the increase in early learning and childcare
- £45,000 to enhance the successful Active Schools programme delivered by Renfrewshire Leisure which promotes school sport and encourages young people to enjoy the health and wellbeing benefits of physical activity
- £500,000 towards enhanced indoor, inclusive adventure play facilities at the Lagoon Leisure Centre in a partnership project with Renfrewshire Leisure
- £150,000 to support Rainbow Nursery in Shortroods, working with its management Childcare First to ensure its long-term sustainable future
Empowering our communities
Empowering our communities through new investments builds on established funds already enabling communities to take forward the projects and shape the places that matter most to them.
- Community groups will benefit from a new £200,000 fund to support culture and heritage projects
- £150,000 further funding to take the Villages Investment Fund to more than £500,000, supporting village communities to strengthen their unique identity, history and heritage
- Additional investment of £400,000 over the next three years to the grounds of Renfrewshire cemeteries, adding to £1million already committed to improving the experience for residents visiting their loved ones
- £150,000 towards a continued programme of tree works to ensure clear, accessible walkways at key locations
- £50,000 to improve kitchens in community facilities
Strengthening our economy
Investment in the economy is an investment in our people and the places that make Renfrewshire a great place to live, visit and work and adds to major, multi-year projects already underway.
- £2.25million further investment in our town centres recognising their role as hubs for business, retail, culture and leisure, adding to £1.4million already secured through the Scottish Government Town Centre Capital Fund
- An additional £100,000 towards the Retail Improvement Fund, enabling local businesses to enhance their appeal to shoppers with improved shop fronts
- Making journeys safer with £250,000 towards priority road markings, building on improvements around schools and key Renfrewshire junctions and adding to the landmark £47million roads investment