Renfrewshire school kids learn how to stay safe on the road
March 15, 2017Are you ready to take on a challenge in 2017 for RAMH?
March 16, 2017A group of talented young musicians took home the top prize in their division at the Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championships last week.
The Renfrewshire Schools Pipe Band competed in the national event at James Gillespie’s High School in Edinburgh and won first prize in the Debut A class category which recognises bands in the early stages of development. The young musicians were presented with an award shield and a cheque for £500.
The Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championships showcase talented young musicians and is designed to promote the playing of national instruments. Competition categories provide a forum for top level competition as well as a positive and encouraging environment for school pipe bands with minimal or no competing experience.
James Cunningham, Music Coordinator for Renfrewshire Council, said: “We have a number of talented young musicians in Renfrewshire which is demonstrated through the success of the Renfrewshire Schools Pipe Band. Their achievement is especially encouraging as our piping programme is still in its early stages.
“The students delivered a fantastic performance which perfectly highlights the musical talent we have in the area and our bid for UK City of Culture 2021 will continue to showcase this.
“I’d like to congratulate them all for their hard work and dedication and I look forward to seeing and hearing many more excellent performances from them in the future.”
The Renfrewshire Schools Pipe Band project is delivered by staff from Johnstone Pipe Band with funding from Creative Scotland and the Scottish Schools Pipes and Drums Trust (SSPDT).
This recent success comes ahead of Paisley hosting the British Pipe Band Championships in May 2017 for the second year in a row.