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Residents urged not to miss out in referendum.

Renfrewshire residents are being urged not to miss out in next month’s Scottish Independence Referendum.

People not listed in the area’s electoral register will be unable to vote in the referendum on Thursday 18 September.

Renfrewshire Council bosses have issued a reminder to all those potentially eligible to vote to check their status now.

Voter registration forms must be completed by Tuesday 2 September to allow for a vote in the referendum. Applications for a postal vote can be made up until Wednesday 3 September.

David Martin, Counting Officer for Renfrewshire, said: “If you’re not registered, you won’t be able to vote. It’s important that everyone hears that message now, while they have the time to do something about it.”

“The electoral register is a list of everyone eligible to vote. Every year, people forget to return their annual canvass form to the Electoral Registration Office or fail notify a change of address, removing themselves from the register and losing out on their right to vote.

“If someone hasn’t received a polling card in the last week, the likelihood is that they’re not on the register or not eligible to vote. They should check with their local library or call the Electoral Registration Office on 0300 300 0150.

Voter registration forms are available in local libraries and from the Electoral Registration Officer, The Robertson Centre, 16 Glasgow Road, Paisley PA1 3QF. Forms are also available online at www.aboutmyvote.co.uk

More information about the Scottish Independence Referendum is also available at www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/indyref[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Founder of Paisley.org.uk in 1998 and constantly strives to change peoples attitudes to the town, Brian is a self described Paisley Digital Champion who promotes Paisley via any means necessary. You can also follow me on X