Paisley 2013 Calendar
October 23, 2012Paisley Abbey – Saturday Recitals
October 24, 2012The Positive Paisley campaign aims to provide people who care about the town and have connections through business, work or home, with a focus through which to improve its public image.
Too many bad stories have been promoted over the years that have detracted from all the wonderful history, culture and opportunities offered by the town and the friendliness of the ‘buddies’.
Through a ongoing campaign of positive messaging using all the various media available to us – online and offline – we hope to gradually change perceptions and show a truer picture of this fine town and restore confidence and optimism to its communities, both business and resident.
Come and join us: all you’ve got to do is keep talking about the good things happening in the town – not the negatives!
You can download the Positive Paisley logo to add to your website, Facebook, Twitter accounts from this site and please use the#positivepaisley hashtag on your Tweets. There is also a Positive Paisley Linked In Group which you can join.“