Nothing makes a house feel more like a home than photographs of family and friends. If you’ve recently moved, you might be wondering about the best ways to display some of your beloved memories in your new space. There are actually lots of ways you can showcase the best moments of your life and this blog will tell you how. Whether you’ve photographed landscapes around your hometown or want to display images of your children and extended family, you’ll be much more confident after reading this list.

Think about quality

Quality is everything when you’re printing out photos. If you just use regular printer paper then you’re going to be disappointed in the results. For really good photos that captivate your attention every time you walk past them, you’re going to need decent equipment. Invest in a good printer, some quality ink, and this Samsung m2070 toner. Make sure your printer is equipped for printing on photo paper and adjust your settings accordingly. If you do all of this, your photos will rival those printed in a professional shop while costing a lot less.

Shop around for frames

Not every frame will work for every photo, so you’ll need to match frames with not only your décor but your pictures as well. Start by thinking about the aesthetic you want to create at home and the type of furniture and colours you already have. You could opt for sleek glass frames or rustic wooden designs. There’s no limit to the kinds of frames available out there, so you’ll be spoilt for choice. It’s a good idea to buy frames before printing out your photos because it can be tough to find the right size for a picture you already have. If you’re printing photos at home, it will be easy to adjust your settings and print your photos out a little bit smaller or bigger.

Don’t overcrowd

You might be tempted to hang up as many photos as you can, but this can result in your home looking cluttered. Try to group photos together in displays that make sense. For example, you could have your family along the stairs but hang some contemporary artwork in the living room. Think about how the photos you have on the wall will pair up with frames that are standing on cabinets and side tables. While standing frames can really add something to a shelving unit, beware of putting frames in inconvenient places where they can easily be knocked over.

Ask for people’s opinion

There’s nothing worse than displaying a photo of someone that they’re not fond of. While they’ll be flattered to have a place in your home, if they don’t like the way they look, they might feel self-conscious. Reach out to friends and family before making a feature of their face on your wall. If they’re not happy with the photo, they might be open to taking another one the next time you both meet up.