James Seabright and Play the Spotlight presents WOKE
May 28, 2018A year of building and working for the future
May 28, 2018Renfrewshire’s foster carers have shared their inspirational stories as part of Foster Care Fortnight and helped spread the word on their rewarding role.
To mark the event, which ends on Sunday, the Council launched a campaign to boost the numbers of its foster care family from 81 to 100.
In the wake of a series of drop in events and existing foster carers sharing their own experiences, the visibility of the role has increased.
Education and Children’s Services convener, Councillor Jim Paterson said: “We have been delighted with the response to our appeal for foster carers with enquiries coming in from people who think that the role may be for them.
“They’ve taken heart from the incredible stories shared by our carers but also realised that although they do an extraordinary role, they are ordinary people like them.
“Becoming a foster carer can change the life of a child or young person for the better and boosting our numbers over the long term will help us ensure that we can give all children the best possible start in life so that they can fulfil their potential.”
Foster carer Lynn Smillie said: “If telling my story encourages just one person to pick up the phone then I am delighted. It’s enriched my life in so many ways and is the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done and has also helped transform the lives of children.”
If you are over 21, have a spare room and are in good health, you can apply to help make a difference to a child’s life.
Children and young people of all ages need carers who will help them feel wanted, valued and safe.
As a foster carer, you can be in work or unemployed, be single, married, or in a same sex or heterosexual relationship, and can own or rent the property you live in.
You will be supported on every step of the journey with advice, specialist training and peer support and will also receive a generous allowance.
Anyone interested in more detail can call the team at Renfrewshire Council on 0300 300 1199 or email at childrenandfamilies@