Massed choirs give emotional send-off to Paisley 2021 bid
September 30, 2017Starbucks Linwood has bean busy fundraising for St Vincent’s Hospice!
September 30, 2017Registrations for our 2018 FIREWALK on Saturday 13th January are now OPEN, and we are inviting you to save 33% on your registration fee by booking on our early bird rate.
You will learn to overcome fear and channel confidence into every part of your life before walking 15ft over coals of 800C. This unique experience is offered to you at just £10 registration fee (early bird rate) and £45 minimum sponsorship. All you have to do is complete and return the attached form, transfer your £10 registration fee by BACS, and share your fundraising with friends and family. Your supporters are welcome to watch you complete the Firewalk on the day.
The Firewalk takes place from 3pm-7pm on Saturday, January 13th at ProLife Fitness Centre in Paisley, with free parking, and close to Gilmour Street Station.
For many, the Firewalk is a life changing experience. Equally you will be raising crucial funds for local mental health services. Last year’s event was a sell out, so we recommend early booking. Please email completed forms or any queries to me, as above.
Get your New Year off to a really uniquely fresh start! We look forward to welcoming you
in January 2018.
please contact