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November 16, 2016West College Scotland will use its size, expertise and presence to help further improve job opportunities for the people of Renfrewshire, increase the life chances of everyone living in local communities and assist the regeneration Paisley town centre.

College Principal and Chief Executive Audrey Cumberford and Renfrewshire Council Leader Mark Macmillan.
The College has entered into a Strategic Partnership with Renfrewshire Council, designed to maximise both organisations’ support for each other’s main objectives. While both have worked closely for many years, the new partnership outlines areas for even deeper co-operation.
Speaking at a launch event, College Principal and Chief Executive, Audrey Cumberford, said:
“As Scotland’s largest college, we are well-placed to bring the benefits of first-class training and education to the people of Renfrewshire. We believe education is the foundation stone upon which so much else is built.
“In particular, we see ourselves as educational innovators, using modern technologies to allow the people of Renfrewshire to secure good, well-paid jobs and contribute to the local economy. We will give local people access to those digital technologies which are already transforming our lives and work.
“We also believe that we have a role in closing the educational attainment gap between the better- and less-well-off areas of Renfrewshire.
“Getting this right means we are helping Renfrewshire Council meet two of their most important objectives: creating jobs and tackling poverty.”
Renfrewshire Council Leader Mark Macmillan said: “People see the positive changes that are underway in Renfrewshire – Paisley’s bid to be UK City of Culture 2021, Renfrewshire’s role at the heart of the £1.13billion Glasgow City Region City Deal, and the regeneration of our town centres.
“The challenge facing all of us is to make sure all of our people and communities have the chance to take advantage of these opportunities.
“West College Scotland is leading the way on delivering those shared priorities – particularly in areas such as digital skills, raising attainment and boosting innovation. The new strategic partnership will strengthen that cooperation and achievement.”