Paisley Pirates-preview
September 27, 2016Glentanar Court, Paisley – Cairn Housing Association
September 27, 2016Paisley Development Trust’s Annual Bake Off is this Sunday, 1pm, Hamishes Hoose. There will be a raffle with great prizes and fun stuff for the kids. It’s always a great day oot so come along and bring your goodies. Free entry to all but £2 to enter your cake in the competition. Prosecco on special offer at £2.95 per glass.

Our “Spree for all” events start on the 15th October with Live music from Heavy Load then there is the Comedy Gong Show on Sunday the 16th and Monday the 17th with the final on the Wednesday the 19th. Win cash prizes and develop your comedic talent or get Gonged Off!
Also during the Spree for all we have a right Mods night on Friday the 21st with the Turkey Nuts and The Sell Out a double bill of fabulous music and on the 29th We have live music from Epic a well respected Glasgow band who will really get you up and dancing.