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April 14, 2016The Luck of the Scottish Lottery Player
April 14, 2016Ferguslie Prince’s Trust Team 25 celebrates success!
A huge congratulation go to The Prince’s Trust Team 25, whom have just completed their 12 week personal development programme at West College Scotland’s Paisley Campus. The course, which is designed to help young people identify their hidden talents and improve their confidence, as well as gain a nationally recognised qualification has been immensely successful since the first team started just a year ago at the Ferguslie Learning Centre.

Pictured (L-R): James Pearson, Stuart Blythe, Lewis Gillies, Sean O’Donnell Koren Taylor, Paul Wilson
The team celebrated their achievements at an award presentation with family and friends last week in the Abercorn Conference Centre.
Jackie Shirley, Princes Trust Team Leader said, ‘Team 25 worked hard to complete all projects as well as putting back into their community. All team members have developed and worked on their skills which has allowed them all to progress onto further training and/or education.’
Koren, 19 from Paisley who was the sole female on the Team this time around said, ‘It was a really worthwhile experience as I pushed myself to do things I didn’t think I could do. The residential and placements were my favourite parts as we got to help in the community.
Lewis, 17 from Paisley said, ‘I enjoyed it because I really lacked confidence in group situations. I feel happy in myself that I’ve been able to cope a lot better – the outdoor activities such as abseiling, zip wire and rock climbing were great to do.’
Both Koren and Lewis have applied to study NC courses at the College this August with Koren also securing a part-time job.
If you are looking for the chance to improve your confidence and self-esteem, make new friends and learn new skills through a range of outdoor activities, community activities and work experience, then don’t wait a minute longer! The next Prince’s Trust Team programme starts on Monday 16 May from the Ferguslie Learning Centre and you can apply via the College website or call Jackie for more information on: 07881 783790.