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May 16, 2024This spring, a new avenue of trees has sprung up in Foxbar and Brediland as part of the Clyde Climate Forest (CCF) initiative.
The trees, along Brediland Road, are the first to be planted in Renfrewshire as part of plans to plant up to 18 million trees across the whole City Region by 2032.
Renfrewshire Council is one of eight local authorities to sign up to the Clyde Climate Forest Concordat agreement committing to connect up existing woodlands, plant new forests and target urban tree plantings in areas vulnerable to climate impacts.
The Clyde Climate Forest (CCF) was launched in June 2021 and since then the project has seen over 2 million trees planted in both urban and rural areas.
The council have committed to supporting delivery of the Clyde Climate Forest and to embed CCF targets into their own plans and policies, helping toward the authorities own Net Zero ambitions.
Chris Stark, Director of Clyde Climate Forest, said “I am delighted that Renfrewshire Council have committed to our tree planting program by signing the CCF Concordat agreement. The street trees that have been planted in Foxbar will help soak up excess rainwater in heavy downpours and create cooling effects in heatwaves.
“Urban tree planting is crucial if we are to tackle both the climate and biodiversity emergencies.
“We plan to work with multiple local communities over the next few years with an aim to plant up to 1000 trees in each of our target neighbourhoods as part of our 1000 Trees Campaign.”
Renfrewshire Council Leader, Councillor Iain Nicolson, added: “We are very proud to be one of eight local authorities to commit to the Clyde Climate Forest Concordat agreement, which aligns closely with Renfrewshire’s net zero ambitions.
“The trees planted along Brediland Road will not only enhance the natural environment, but will also help improve the resilience of the area when it comes to preparing for the impacts of climate change.
“It’s fantastic to see the project get to this stage and I look forward to seeing more trees planted in Renfrewshire as part of our commitment to the agreement.”
The Clyde Climate Forest team will also plant a number of trees in Ferguslie in the 2024/2025 tree planting season providing vital carbon storage and wildlife habitat in an area vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
Other locations targeted for tree planting activity next autumn include Central Wishaw and Burnbank in Lanarkshire and the areas of Govan, Bridgeton & Dalmarnock in Glasgow.
To date, the initiative has planted trees in 10 of its 16 target neighbourhoods amounting to almost 10,000 urban trees this year, with a total of 60,000 urban trees planted since 2021.
Over 1.8 million trees have been planted in total over the past three years including on farmland, and on public and private landholdings.
The Clyde Climate Forest is part of the Glasgow & Clyde Valley Green Network, and is being delivered in partnership with Green Action Trust, TCV, Glasgow City Region, Trees for Cities, Scottish Forestry and Woodland Trust Scotland with funding from the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund.
More information can be found at www.clydeclimateforest.co.uk