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February 20, 2019Businesses, private car park operators and shopping centres will join council officers and elected members as part of a new working group to review town centre parking in Paisley.
Following a report to the most recent full Council Board, the new group has been set up to consider the current parking provision and identify any possible improvements.
The group will work with all partners to enhance parking in the town centre for the benefit of local businesses, while taking into consideration the financial and legal implications of a change to parking restrictions.
Paisley town centre has over 2100 car parking spaces, of which the council controls 1240, and the working group will strive to identify ways to make it easier for people to visit and park in the town centre.
Renfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson said: “We want to encourage more people to visit Paisley to increase footfall for our local businesses and ensuring that parking is available is one way to make this happen.
“The new working group will bring together all the key partners to ensure we gain a breadth of views and all possible ideas are brought to the table, while most importantly making the right decisions for the benefit of the area.
“Through these discussions, we aim to find ways to encourage more people to visit the town centre and we will look at all possible improvements to entice people to visit Paisley.
“We are always happy to engage with local partners, and especially with our local businesses, to make positive changes and the working group will allow the best provision for the town centre to be identified and implemented.”
Plans have also been agreed to introduce 26 electric charging points in four public car parks in the town centre, following a successful submission for funding to the Scottish Government, with the car parks at the Lagoon Leisure Centre, Bridge Street, New Sneddon Street and Hunter Street set to benefit.
New disabled parking spaces will be also be introduced to car parks within the town centre to ensure adequate provision continues to be provided, while prospective works to improve car parking signage throughout Renfrewshire will take place as part of the investment in public realm and transportation improvements.
The aims and objectives of the working group will be progressed and a report on its progress will be reported to a future meeting of the Leadership Board.