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April 18, 2018The largest ever single year investment in Renfrewshire’s roads is set to be delivered in 2018/19 as part of an extensive programme of roads resurfacing.
£7.2million has been committed from Renfrewshire Council’s budget to improve routes across Renfrewshire’s as part of the continuing physical and economic regeneration of the area.
The programme for 2018/19 will include the resurfacing and improvement of a number of high profile strategic routes and also a large number of busy rural and residential streets.
It will focus on carriageway resurfacing, including patching and surface dressing, as well as addressing drainage improvements, footway resurfacing and crash and safety barrier installation.
Councillor Cathy McEwan, Convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, said: “We recognise that a key concern for the Renfrewshire community is the quality and safety of our roads network which is why a significant investment has been made to make improvements.
“This is the largest ever single year investment made by this Council in our roads infrastructure and shows a clear commitment to increasing the quality and usability of the network for road users.
“There are areas within Renfrewshire which are in urgent need of repair and we will prioritise those roads in what will be a comprehensive programme of upgrades.
“While all roads cannot be repaired overnight, the investment we are making will ensure that the community begin to see tangible improvements immediately and a continual progress in the quality of our roads throughout the year.”
The roads resurfacing programme will coincide with an enhanced schedule of pot hole repairs which will tackle the effects severe weather has had on Renfrewshire’s roads.
Immediate temporary repairs will be undertaken on pot holes which are causing a hazard on roads with the full repair then planned into a programme for completion.
Any excessive pot holes which have developed will be temporarily repaired and then undertaken as part of the larger roads resurfacing programme.
Councillor McEwan added: “We recognise there is a significant issue regarding pot holes which is affecting our roads due to the severe weather we faced this winter, with the freezing conditions causing the road surface to crack.
“This is an issue which has been seen nationally, even occurring on our motorways, and we have invested accordingly to ensure our teams can carry out the necessary repairs.
“We recognise the frustrations of road users and want to assure them that we are committed to providing a roads network which is fit for purpose and will work hard to address all problems across the area.”
The full programme of roads resurfacing works is being finalised with initial repairs already underway and more extensive resurfacing work set to begin shortly.
For more information on roads services in Renfrewshire, visit