How to plan the perfect Paisley proposal
October 26, 2016M8 Driving School
October 27, 2016Whit a weekend we have for you. Friday night it…s the big Halloween parade through the town passing oor windaes while inside the hoose its a spooktacular paaaarty with drinks promos and give aways.

On Saturday night, the toons best live music venue sees the return of EPIC a fantastic live covers band, they will have you on your feet all night.

On Sunday afternoon we launch the Paisley Folk Club sessions with Rentrad a local traditional music group 5-8pm. Get in and dine with us have a glass of prosecco and hiv a right guid time. !!!

Thursday the 3rd we have the Paisley Development Trust race night all contributions are welcome to fund the organisation that saved the Russell Institute and also a great night oot ina Hoose!!