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September 16, 2016Cropped World 4k videos Paisleysurrounding areas
September 16, 2016Pupils in Renfrewshire’s schools will benefit from a new programme launched by the Prince’s Trust designed to provide young people with valuable employability learning opportunities.

Councillor Mark Macmillan and Allan Watt, Director, Prince’s Trust Scotland
Renfrewshire Council Leader Mark Macmillan visited The Prince’s Trust Wolfson Centre in Glasgow to see how the Achieve programme will be incorporated into the curriculum this year.
30 Renfrewshire teachers have undertaken training to become an Achieve Advisor who will help support the delivery of the programme in 10 of Renfrewshire’s 11 secondary schools.
The Advisors will deliver the programme which promotes a flexible approach, using relevant experiential learning to support young people to achieve a range of personal and employability skills- with SCQF accredited course work leading to a Princes Trust Award.
Councillor Macmillan, said: “Through our close relationship with the Prince’s Trust we are able to support young people to move into the workplace, find a place in education or training or to start their own business.
“The Achieve programme, using funding provided by the Joint Employability Project, and matched by the Prince’s Trust, will help to close the attainment gap and allow young people in Renfrewshire to experience innovative and creative opportunities to help them move towards a positive destination.”
Building on the successes of the previous xl programme, the Achieve programme will help young people aged 13-19 to develop the skills and confidence they need to reach their goals.
The programme seeks to have a positive impact in five key areas- Personal and Social Development, Life skills, Active Citizenship, Enterprise and Preparation for Work.
Young people on the Achieve programme will also have the opportunity to gain a Personal Development and Employability Qualification at SCQF Levels 3, 4 and 5.
Councillor Macmillan added: ““We are committed to removing the barriers which stop our young people achieving their full potential and have invested significantly in programmes such as Invest in Renfrewshire to give our young people the opportunity to succeed.
“This investment has proved successful, seeing Renfrewshire move from 27th place of 32 local authorities, to 4th- with a record 68.3% of young people in work (June 2015 figures).
“The Achieve programme will give young people the vital skills to move into the workplace- furthering my long-term aim of eradicating youth unemployment in Renfrewshire.”
Allan Watt, Director, Prince’s Trust Scotland said: “Our partnership with Renfrewshire schools will create more chances and opportunities for young people struggling in education.
“The new Achieve programme will better equip them with the confidence and skills needed to take positive steps towards their future.”
For further information on Prince’s Trust programmes visit: