The Bungalow
July 29, 2016Renfrewshire Carers Centre support groups
July 29, 2016Renfrewshire’s Provost Anne Hall is hosting a charity zip slide this September and she wants you to take part with her.

Renfrewshire’s Provost Anne Hall and St Vincent’s Fundraising and Communications Manager Lesley Miller
Fundraisers will fly across East End Park in Paisley, going from 100ft to the ground in seconds, in order to raise money for four Renfrewshire charities- one of which is St Vincent’s Hospice.
When Stewart MacKay was discharged from hospital having been deemed too frail for a heart transplant he was at an all time low.

Day Hospice attendee Stewart MacKay
“I had a hospital bed in the living room and wasn’t allowed to use the stairs. They didn’t even want me to transfer from my wheelchair- my chances of survival were rated low.”
Stewart was given the opportunity to visit St Vincent’s day hospice which provides people with palliative care needs the opportunity to access the services of the hospice.
It gives patients the chance to meet with others, as well as members of the hospice team, for peer support and also gives respite to family and carers.
“If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have done anything. I wasn’t even sure I was going to go—but I’m glad I gave it a try. Susan and Sharon are cheery and I look forward to coming here.
“It’s not the end of the world coming to the hospice. It’s all about getting you to do things, rather than giving up.”
It costs around £6,000 per day to provide all of St Vincent’s services and all care is provided at no cost to the patient or their families.
The funds raised by the zip slide will play a vital role in allowing them to continue to provide local hospice care in Renfrewshire.
Lesley Miller, St Vincent’s Fundraising and Communications Manager, said: “The zip slide is quite a challenge; you have to hold your nerve as you get lifted high into the air and then trust your life to the wire. But it’s an exhilarating experience that you’ll never forget.
“And by raising as much sponsorship as you can, it’s a golden opportunity to reach out to help other people in your own community, here in Renfrewshire.”
Provost Hall said: “St Vincent’s provide a vital service within Renfrewshire and I’m proud to support them through my charity fundraising scheme.
“By taking part in the zip slide you will not only experience the exhilaration of the jump but the money raised will help St Vincent’s- and the other three charities- continue to provide quality services for those in Renfrewshire- such as Stewart.
”I would urge you to please sign up and fundraise for what will be an exciting and memorable day.”
The zip slide takes place on Saturday 3 September and forms part of Renfrewshire’s Doors Open Day celebrations.
All the money raised from the event will be donated equally between St Vincent’s Hospice, ACCORD Hospice, Renfrewshire Carers Centre and Recovery Across Mental Health (RAMH).
For more information and to sign up contact Donna Gallagher on 0141 618 6794 and donna.gallagher-pt@