Paisley Pirates-report on Player of the Year Awards
May 3, 2016THE intu Braehead team stands to attention, hoping to impress the new boardroom executives on a tour of the massive shopping and leisure centre.

the new Heads of Fun at intu Braehead, Lucie Roy and Aidan Smith skip along to their new jobs in the mall.
They’re waiting for the presentation about intu’s aims and ambitions, key performance indicators and how important their role is within the centre. But that’s not quite what happens next.
“Right, everyone,” the new executive says, clipboard in hand and resplendent in his shiny shoes, blue tailored waistcoat and brand new company tie.
For this is no ordinary meeting – this is the first day at work for intu Braehead’s new Heads of Fun.
Aidan Smith, aged seven and six-year-old Lucie Ray beat off more than 100 other youngsters who had applied for the mall’s Head of Fun role.
The shopping and leisure destination had advertised for youngsters between the ages of six and ten to apply for the position and show they had a very important attribute – a brilliant sense of fun.
Now the Heads of Fun will be aiming to bring a smile to everyone who comes through the doors of intu Braehead and make the mall even more child-friendly than it already is.
Their hours of work are school holidays, occasional weekends and the executive boardroom position comes with an attractive remuneration package of gift cards, free toys and entry to the many leisure attractions in the centre and Soar at intu Braehead.
Aidan and Lucie will advise the management team on children’s activities, review the latest toys, restaurants and leisure attractions, help organise the intu Braehead Kids’ Club and meet with Santa and his elves at Christmas.
With so many varied and talented applicants choosing a Head of Fun was a tough decision for the interview panel of television presenter, Jennifer Reoch; Britain’s Got Talent star, Edward Reid; DJ Paul Harper with radio station Heart and intu Braehead marketing manager, Christine Macdonald.
But after much deliberation, they decided to point their fingers at Aidan and Lucie to say: “You’re hired!”
Christine Macdonald, marketing manager for intu Braehead said: “Aidan and Lucie are a valuable and cute addition to our management team.
“They’ll bring a wealth of experience – particularly when it comes to fun and laughter – to the new Head of Fun role and our new team members will ensure that a visit to intu Braehead will now be even more enjoyable for our customers.
“The directive from the boardroom and our new Heads of Fun is for everyone to have an even bigger smile on our faces and make sure everyone has more fun.”
Aidan, from Houston, Renfrewshire said: “The staff here work really hard, so I think they should, have a play break.
“And I’m going to make sure everyone coming to intu Braehead has lots and lots of fun after they do their shopping.”
And Lucie, who stays in Erskine added: “I think we should all have a sing-song every afternoon and everyone could sing my favourite song – Love Yourself, by Justin Bieber.
“I’m also going to suggest we have an intu Braehead panto, which would be about shopping.”