Off to India to Fashion the Future!
November 30, 2017MSP “very disappointed” by news Town’s RBS to close
December 1, 2017Thursday 14th December at 6.45pm – Christmas Concert at Paisley Methodist Central Halls. Pupils are welcome to come along to our Christmas concert and perform a song they have been working on. All family and friends welcome. Tickets will be available at the door – £5 for adults & £2 for children/concessions
New term for Saturday classes starting January 13th in Paisley School – The class times for next term are as follows;
Musical Tots (ages 1-3 years) – 9.30am
Musical Maestros (ages 3-5 years) – 10am
Junior Musicianship (ages 5-9 years) – 10am
Theory & Musicianship (ages 8-11 years) – 11am
Guitar Group – 12pm
Musical Maestros (ages 3-5 years) – 12.20pm
Guitar Group – 1pm
Taster Block (ages 6-13 years) – 2.30pm
New drum group starting on Thursdays from 11th January from 4.30 – 5.30pm
New lesson availability – We have new spaces on Mondays for singing and piano lessons between 4-5pm, and 6.30-7.30pm.
We also have space for drum lessons at 3.30pm, 5.30pm and 6pm.
We are also taking names of our Go Kids Music club, which will be starting in Paisley after Christmas. This is a fun class with singing, games, and ukulele.