Scottish politicians unite around Paisley 2021
September 13, 2017Residents and business owners in Paisley’s West End have welcomed plans to regenerate the area.
Public consultation over the summer shows strong support for the draft Paisley West End Regeneration Masterplan, which outlines proposals for around 150 private and social homes and the potential provision of new commercial units.
This would be developed through demolition of low demand tenement flats and commercial ground floor properties on the east side of Well Street and vacant residential blocks on Clavering Street East.
Vacant land formerly used as the University of the West of Scotland Halls of Residence would be cleared and community growing areas on Sutherland Street would be relocated within the West End under the masterplan proposals.
Consultation started in the summer and is being conducted with residents and business owners in the masterplan area and with people in the wider community.
The feedback so far demonstrates strong support for the regeneration plans, with more than 80% of Council tenants and residential property owners in the Well Street area who have responded to the consultation to date agreeing with the proposals for demolition.
Residents and business owners commented on the benefits of the area’s central location, good public transport links and the close-knit community.
Consultation also showed the challenges facing Paisley’s West End, with high levels of vacant properties in a poor condition and issues including anti-social behaviour and vandalism.
Renfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson, Convener of the Leadership Board, said: “These proposals seek to deliver transformational change in the west end of Paisley. They have been developed in recognition of the importance of the area in the regeneration of Paisley town centre.
“I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to make their voice heard on the draft masterplan. We are continuing to consult with the public on these proposals and public consultation feedback so far has underlined how important the west end of Paisley is to the people who live and work there.
“The proposals have been well received, recognising a collective desire to improve the area. Yes, the area has challenges, but we are determined to meet these head on and these proposals look to address low demand for existing housing and commercial premises and also bring surplus undeveloped land back into use.
“Councillors from every party will consider these findings next week as we look to improve housing conditions and regenerate Renfrewshire communities.”
Councillors will note the consultation findings in a report to the Leadership Board on Tuesday (19 September) and consider approving the next stage of the masterplan development which would see a fully costed, finalised masterplan brought forward to the next board in December.
Officers are still keen to hear from as many from tenants, residents and business owners as possible. Call 0141 618 6003 and arrange to speak to the Council’s Planning and Housing team about the regeneration proposals.