Twins join 25,000 pupils starting new school term in Renfrewshire
August 15, 2016Local authorities to join forces for regional approach to enterprise and jobs
August 16, 2016Renfrewshire’s ground-breaking Families First initiative has wrapped up a summer of activity – after dishing out more than 6,000 meals to children over the holidays.
Over the school break, staff ran lunch clubs at 12 different schools around Renfrewshire for pupils in P1-3 in receipt of a school clothing grant.
Kids were invited to come along each weekday of the holidays for a healthy feed, and sporty and arts and crafts activities.
The clubs were funded through the council’s Families First programme, which covers a range of projects designed to help people and families build a better future for their children.
The venues were: Gallowhill, Langcraigs, Todholm, Glencoats and Brediland Primaries plus Paisley Grammar and Castlehead High in Paisley, St James in Renfrew, Linwood HS, Rashielea in Erskine and Cochrane Castle/St David’s in Johnstone, with an average of more than 200 kids a day in total.
Councillor Jacqueline Henry, convener of the council’s Education and Children Policy Board, popped along to Brediland Primary to meet some of the kids who had dressed up for a Rio-Olympic-themed carnival party.
After a healthy lunch followed by yoghurt and fruit, the children decamped outside for water fun in the school playground.
Councillor Henry said: “We were delighted to be able to offer these clubs over the summer as part of the Families First programme.
“The clubs were first run in October 2013 and we plan to continue them over other school holidays.
“By making sure children continue to get their free school meals out of term-time, we are taking some of the pressure off parents, while helping the kids stay healthy and active.
“It was great to meet the kids over lunch at Brediland – it was clear to see how much they were enjoying themselves.
“I would like to thank all the staff and volunteers for their work this summer to help make sure these clubs such a success.”