Bowjangles Vintage now Open
November 16, 2011Lucy’s design goes to Infiniti and beyond
November 17, 2011We are always looking to increase our partnership within organisations in the Paisley area, we find it essential for the growth of not only our social enterprise but the business and organisations awe are associated with, everyone gains from a partnership with ourselves. We will be running various courses soon and our partners get a discount.
What does a partner with us mean? Well it means we should essentially be in contact and share a common goal, we should help each other out with experience or pass on the details of someone who could help further.
How do you become a partner? Simple contact us and in your title just put partner. And tell us a wee bit more about yourself and organisation.
How much does it cost to be a partner? Well it’s free, yes it really is, if you wish to make a donation then that’s fine by us but primarily we want to talk to as many people as possible and take it from there, we are centrally based in the town and ideal for meeting up with other groups informally or formally. Just give us a shout.