May 19, 2022Whats On 20 May 2022
May 20, 2022Supporting those most in need and recovering from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are two of the priorities for the returning Renfrewshire Council SNP administration following decision on key appointments on Thursday 19 May.

At the first council meeting of the new session following the recent election, Councillor Iain Nicolson was appointed Leader of the Council, with Councillor Jacqueline Cameron appointed as Depute Leader. Councillor Lorraine Cameron and Councillor Cathy McEwan both return as Provost and Depute Provost.
Council Leader Iain Nicolson said:
“We’re delighted to be back to serve our local communities, focusing on the things people have told us matter to them. Supporting those in need and helping tackle some of the impacts of the cost of living are high priorities for my administration and I’m sure all councillors will support our plans to help those most in need. The past two years and the coronavirus pandemic have been one of the biggest challenges we’ve all faced and will have impacted everyone, and I would like to thank all the key workers who continued to provide vital public services, including our NHS workers, during this time and continue to do so. Our key focus will now be on our recovery plans, how we support communities and help our local businesses to grow and thrive.
“We know the local environment is important to our communities and helps people connect with and improves pride in our place. We will continue to invest in our green spaces and parks as well as play our part in tackling climate change. There are undoubtedly challenges ahead but my administration will continue to work hard for Renfrewshire, working with partners and our communities.”
As Council Leader and Depute Council Leader, Councillors Iain Nicolson and Jacqueline Cameron have been appointed as Convener and Depute Convener for the Leadership Board.
Elected members have also been appointed to each of the council’s policy boards. The conveners and depute conveners are:
-Councillor Marie McGurk as Convener and Councillor Robert Innes as Depute Convener for the Communities and Housing Policy Board
-Councillor Andy Steel as Convener and Councillor Michelle Campbell as Depute Convener for the Economy and Regeneration Policy Board
most in need and recovering from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are two of the priorities for the returning Renfrewshire Council SNP administration following decision on key appointments on Thursday 19 May.
At the first council meeting of the new session following the recent election, Councillor Iain Nicolson was appointed Leader of the Council, with Councillor Jacqueline Cameron appointed as Depute Leader. Councillor Lorraine Cameron and Councillor Cathy McEwan both return as Provost and Depute Provost.
Council Leader Iain Nicolson said:
-Councillor Emma Rodden as Convener and Councillor Jim Paterson as Depute Convener for the Education and Children’s Services Policy Board
-Councillor John Shaw as Convener and Councillor Fiona Airlie-Nicolson as Depute Convener for the Finance, Resources and Customer Services Policy Board
-Councillor Michelle Campbell as Convener and Councillor Stephen Burns as Depute Convener for the Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board
-Councillor Jim Paterson as Convener and Councillor Bruce MacFarlane as Depute Convener for the Planning and Climate Change Policy Board.
Councillor Andy Doig was appointed as the Convener of the Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Board. The Depute Convener will be appointed at a later date from one of the opposition groups.