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August 9, 2021Abbeycare Scotland & The Road To Addiction Recovery
August 9, 2021Local people’s views are being sought on potential upgrades to the junction outside the entrance to Barshaw Park, where Glasgow Road meets Arkleston Road and Hawkhead Road.
Renfrewshire Council has been awarded funding from Sustrans Scotland’s ‘Places for Everyone’ programme to look at improvements to the junction and three possible options have been drafted for consideration.
The possible upgrades could include protected cycle lanes on both sides of Glasgow Road with dedicated traffic signals for cyclist to ensure they get ahead of traffic, a cycle lane on Arkleston Road and Hawkhead Road, or safe cycle lanes entirely round the junction which allows cyclists to turn right with all traffic stopped.
All options would offer landscaping and improvements to the surrounding area around the junction.
It is hoped that the improvements would support more people to walk and cycle in the area which is well-used by commuters and parkgoers.
Councillor Cathy McEwan, Convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Infrastructure, Land and Environment Policy Board, said: “We want to ensure the everyone is able to use our roads and access our parks safely which is why we want to look at any improvements we can make at this junction.
“With Barshaw Park being so popular and Glasgow Road being a main commuter route, we want to ensure that the correct infrastructure and safety measures are in place to allow pedestrians and cyclists to use this area with confidence.
“Please let us know your thoughts on the three options through our survey so that any future decisions can be based around what you have told us is best for the community.”
A survey launched on Monday 9 August 2021 to discover local people’s views and will run until Sunday 5 September 2021.
Anyone unable to fill out the online survey can submit their feedback or any questions in writing to Environment and Infrastructure, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley, PA1 1BR or by emailing
The full technical drawings and online survey are on the Council website at