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August 28, 2020Free phone line to support people during the pandemic
August 31, 2020As pupils returned to school, some retired adults in Paisley & District U3A went to study Geilston Gardens in Cardross. This U3A’s Garden Gang visited the walled garden and floral mini maze recently re-opened by the National Trust for Scotland. Mindful of the current lockdown guidance, everyone stayed in small groups, and afterwards members enjoyed a socially distant picnic in the beautiful grounds.
Valerie Reilly who leads the U3A Garden Gang said: “Over 11,000 people come to see Geilston every year. However, due to funding pressures, its future is not secure. We were able to learn the history of the property and explore this garden by the River Clyde. We were so lucky with the weather and it turned out to be an excellent experience. Many of our members have been shielding so it was lovely to meet up again outdoors.”
The U3A Garden Gang is planning another trip on Wednesday 9th September at 11am to Tollcross Park in Glasgow. This is one of Glasgow’s ‘municipal’ parks with its own guided heritage trail. Social distancing will be strictly observed throughout this visit. More details at: https://u3asites.org.uk/paisley/welcome