Help is there for those who need it in Renfrewshire
April 3, 20206 Web Design Tips for Beginners
April 4, 2020Residents and staff are urged to visit the designated ‘Information, help and guidance on Coronavirus’ webpage on Renfrewshire Council’s website for the latest local updates during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The webpage is a one-stop source for those looking to find out details of any changes to Council services, in line with national guidance from the Scottish and UK Governments and the NHS to manage the impact of the coronavirus.
Information on Best websites is updated daily and aims to answer any questions that people may have on local services, communities and businesses during this unprecedented time.
The ‘Information, help and guidance on Coronavirus’ webpage can be visited here:
This webpage is handily split into multiple sections to guide people to the specific information that they need.
Residents who may be concerned about their ability to cover costs, make payments and pay bills during this time can find out more about the measures in place to support them through the ‘Benefits, money and debt’ help section.
As Customer Service centres in Paisley, Johnstone and Renfrew are now closed, residents are asked to help advise family and friends that often use in-person services on how to access Council services online, whilst following necessary social distancing measures.
The Scottish and UK Governments have been announcing measures to support businesses that may be affected by the outbreak. The ‘Support for business, employees and self-employed’ section provides the most up-to-date information on the schemes and measures available.
People who have been identified as being most at risk of severe illness from coronavirus are set to receive a letter from the Scottish Government Chief Medical Officer asking them to go into complete quarantine (known as ‘shielding’) for the next 12 weeks. Guidance on shielding and protecting those defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable can be found in the ‘Shielding and protecting the vulnerable’ web section.
In these difficult times, it is especially important to look after everyone in the community. Anyone who feels they need protection, or is worried that someone else does, can find out more information and support through the ‘Domestic abuse, adult protection and child protection’ section of the website.
There has already been a tremendous outpouring of kindness from groups and individuals across Renfrewshire – and those who are well and willing to support people who are experiencing hardship can find out about the different ways they can help through the ‘Communities and volunteering’ section.
Useful tips on helping young people and adults to manage in unsettling times can also be found at the ‘Mental health and wellbeing advice’ section.
The page also includes a list of contacts for emergency Council services, as well as national organisations.
Renfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson said: “Keeping people informed during these difficult times is a key part of our role and we want to ensure that everyone has access to the right information and that we keep it up to date in what is often a very fast moving situation. Our staff are working hard to support communities throughout this period delivering vital services and providing care and assistance for the most vulnerable. By working together and following the Government guidance, we can all play our part to ensure that we protect the NHS and help save lives.”
Renfrewshire Council remains focused on delivering essential services, and prioritising caring for and protecting the area’s most vulnerable people.
The patience, co-operation and understanding of residents and staff is appreciated during this difficult and unprecedented time.
The latest local information and webpage sections listed above can be accessed via,
For the latest medical advice from NHS Inform, please visit