Communities in Renfrewshire will Team Up for a Spotless September
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August 26, 2019New life is set to be breathed into an underused play park in Elderslie following a £50,000 award from the Green Spaces, Parks and Play Areas and Villages Investment Fund.
Elderslie Community Council submitted their application to reinvigorate Queens Road Play Park after extensive consultation in the local area showed a desire for new equipment for young people and families to use locally.
New dynamic, inclusive and exciting equipment will be installed in the park, with local children having their say on what they’d like to see as part of the newly-refurbished park.
Anne-Marie Balfour, Elderslie Community Council, said: “We were looking at what people wanted for the village and after a survey revealed that a large majority wanted a play park, it became clear that this was a project we should take on.
“Having no decent park in the village means there are children growing up here without opportunities to play and socially interact with each other outside of school, so we have made a conscious effort to make the park inclusive so that children of any ability can come and play with their friends and enjoy the park once it is built.
“Residents have engaged with us and attended fundraising efforts which have resulted in over £10,000 being raised so far.
“Elderslie Community Council has worked hard to make a difference in the village, installing planters and procuring Christmas Lights and we see Queens Road Park as the next milestone in our journey.”
The group hope to entice local families to use the park and plan to host community events in the area including an Easter egg hunt and Halloween activities.
The Community Council are also active members of Renfrewshire’s Team Up to Clean Up campaign and regularly clear unwanted vegetation and litter pick the area, something they pledged to continue as part of their application.
Councillor Marie McGurk, Convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Communities, Housing and Planning Policy Board, said: “I’m delighted to see that this park will be brought to life with fantastic new play equipment for young people and families in Elderslie to enjoy.
“So much work and commitment has gone into making this idea a reality and it’s great that the fund has been able to reward the efforts of the group and this will make such a difference for local people in the area.
“If you’ve got a similar idea, please get in touch with the team and we’ll support you to make your application.”
The £1.87million fund aims to regenerate and make physical and environmental improvements to areas across Renfrewshire identified by the local community.
Awards from the fund will assist in bringing in external funding, increase community participation in local areas and encourage the process of transferring assets to local communities.
Each application must show it has consulted the local community to ensure there is a need and desire for the project and that it would improve community life.
£370,000 has been ringfenced from the overall £1.87million fund specifically for investment in Renfrewshire’s villages, through the Villages Investment Fund, and applications for this must show that they will strengthen the unique identity, heritage and character of village life.
For more information and to find out how to apply, visit