Community asked for their views on the future of Foxbar
May 8, 2018Renfrewshire events for Bookbug Week: 14-20 May!
May 8, 2018These are the images which showcase what the 95 new build Council development at Johnstone Castle will look like on completion.
Regeneration work in the area is already underway with demolition work to clear the site for the new energy efficient homes.
The development will feature a mix of mainly two and three bedroom homes and own-door flats, as well as two specially designed bungalows for tenants with mobility requirements.
The regeneration project also features four semi-detached homes with four bedrooms for larger families.
The next phase of work will see vacant properties at Cedar Avenue, Tower Road and Elm Drive taken down.
Construction work on the new housing is expected to start soon by the Council’s recommended contractor ENGIE Regeneration Limited, with the first completions due next spring.
The construction costs of almost £13million will be funded from the Council’s housing investment programme and a Scottish Government grant.
Convener of Communities, Housing and Planning Policy, Councillor Marie McGurk said: “We are committed to providing social housing which is affordable, energy efficient and meets the needs of local people.
“The homes will be ones which are fit for the 21st century and will improve the quality of life for residents.”
Council Officers are also on hand in Johnstone Castle Community Centre on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings if tenants or residents have any questions about the ongoing regeneration work in the area.
Tenants who moved out of the flats to allow the regeneration work to go ahead and who wish to be considered for one of the new build homes, can contact Council staff at the Housing Options team in Johnstone on 0141 618 2581.