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April 19, 2018Local MP urges people to vote for Bravehound
April 19, 2018More than 250 people have attended a series of events and drop in sessions as part of a review of community level governance in Renfrewshire, with a further 162 putting their views forward through online and postal consultations.
The feedback from these consultations will now be reviewed to ensure the proposed changes reflect a model that is fully representative of the community’s views and requirements.
Proposals had been put forward to redesign the current structure of Renfrewshire’s five Local Area Committees to ensure a clearer partnership approach between the Council, other public services and the community.
The consultation outlined nine proposals across five areas, Function, Membership, Boundaries, Meetings and Grants, and community groups were invited to put forward their thoughts and opinions on whether the proposals would make a positive difference.
The proposals were formed following an initial round of engagement with local communities and a review of community governance arrangements in other council areas.
Renfrewshire Council Leader, Iain Nicolson, said: “This review is a real chance for the community to become further involved in local decision making and I’m delighted to see the high number of people come forward to have their say.
“It is extremely important that any changes make a positive difference to the current structure and this consultation has allowed people the opportunity to make local area committees work better for them.
“All the feedback will help refine the proposals and inform the decisions moving forward and we will ensure that the public continue to be involved in the process every step of the way.”
Further details of the proposed changes included a drive to make meetings more accessible and participative as well as having local grants scheme specifically for smaller local projects.
There would also be a change to the current boundaries which would see them come into line with community councils as well as a change to voting rights to ensure all areas of the community are involved in final decision making.
For further information on local area committees, visit