They’re mall out in Force for new Star Wars movie
December 14, 2016Mackay welcomes Age Scotland’s 2017 ‘Hot Tips’ Calendar
December 14, 201612th January: Making Skills Work for Employers: Hillington – Work Based Learning
Whether your business will be paying the Apprenticeship Levy from 2017, or not, SDS are hosting a morning event for employers of all sizes to inform them of developments and opportunities with the Apprenticeship Family, local support for youth employment, recruiting a diverse workforce and key products supporting work based learning.Industry-led Foundation, Modern and Graduate Level Apprenticeships are beneficial to employers for a variety of reasons and attending one of these events will ensure that your business has up-to-date information on what is available.
Hear about how the Apprenticeship Family can support your business. What you need to do to make sure young people are part of your business’ future success including local initiatives to support young people into employment and recruiting a diverse workforce.
Make sure your business benefits from the range of apprenticeships and support available by registering on Eventbrite to attend your local event