September 19, 2016Provost’s Community Awards re-open for 2017
September 20, 2016Hospitality industry tour transforms schools into mock-restaurants, hotels and spas.
The Tennent’s Training Academy (TTA) is taking its ‘Taste the Industry’ event on tour across Scotland. The event, which kicks off on Tuesday 20th September at Linwood High School in Paisley transforms schools into mock-hotels for the day with workshops introducing young people to the hospitality industry. The roadshow will then visit Bell Baxter High School, Cupar (29th Sept.), Gracemount High School, Edinburgh (12th October) and Queen Victoria High School, Dunblane (1st November). The final stop on the tour will be Grove Academy, Dundee on the 25th and 26th January 2017, where the pilot event was held earlier this year.
The Linwood High School event will see 100 pupils aged 14-15 take part in masterclasses run by; bar group Kainned Holdings, catering suppliers Sodexo, Braehead foods and pop-up restaurant Section 33, to name a few. Pupils will have the chance to gain experience in the art of service, bartending and kitchen skills.
Taste the Industry was created by the TTA and Tree of Knowledge in 2015, following a report from the Scottish Government that suggested employers and education should work more closely. Taste the Industry does just that, giving young people skills and knowledge to give them confidence to help gain employment after leaving school, which in turn works to reduce the levels of youth unemployment.
Businesses involved in Taste the Industry have the chance to give something back to their local areas, talent spot for future employees and also meet their CSR objectives. Any businesses who would like to get involved in any of the Taste the Industry events should get in contact via
Stephanie Wade, Director of the Tennent’s Training Academy said:
“We are delighted to be launching our first ever roadshow for Taste the Industry. At the Tennent’s Training Academy, we are passionate about the hospitality industry and passing on skills for those who want to build their careers within it. Youth unemployment in Scotland currently sits at 14.3%, however, the figures can vary dramatically across specific areas. We’d like to help change that.
“Taste the Industry is specifically designed to introduce the wide variety of jobs available within hospitality and tourism to young people across the country, and we hope that the pupils involved will consider it as a career option once they have left school. The Scottish hospitality and tourism industry is world renowned, and we are dedicated to ensuring this standard is maintained through training and educating the next generation of workforce.”
Dougie Clark, Director of Tree of Knowledge said:
“We’re delighted to be part of this exciting programme of events across Scottish schools. It’s a fantastic way of bringing business and education together in an engaging way for students, whilst equipping young people with skills for learning for life after school and hopefully a successful career in the hospitality industry.”