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September 8, 2016Renfrewshire Council steps up efforts to support unaccompanied asylum-seeking children
September 9, 2016St Vincent’s Hospice is offering a six-week informal course for people caring for someone with a life-limiting illness.
The course will focus on giving carers advice on different practical issues and there will also be plenty of time for tea/coffee and a chat with people in a similar situation.
The group will start later this month (September 2016) on a Wednesday afternoon from 1.30pm to 3pm. It will be held in the Day Hospice area within St Vincent’s Hospice.
Week 1 – Meet the staff and introduction
Week 2 – Advice on personal care
Week 3- Financial and benefit advice
Week 4 – Basic moving and handling advice
Week 5 – Advice on equipment to make life easier
Week 6 – Looking after yourself and any other issues.
Interested? To book a place and for more information please contact Sarah Mitchell (Day Services Manager) on 01505 705635 or email
Please note spaces will be limited.
See more at: