Chamber of the Year Awards
October 18, 2012100th business signs up to Invest in Renfrewshire
October 18, 2012New Recruit for Renfrewshire Chamber The Chamber has been supporting Renfrewshire Councils, The Recruit since it started in 2010. Based loosely around the BBC’s The Apprentice, a number of secondary school leavers under take a summer of business related challenges.
The Top Recruits win real paid jobs for a year – with the Chamber offering the position of Management Trainee. This year’s winner was Alison Fraser from Elderslie who went to Johnston High.
Commenting on her Recruit experience, Alison said “Throughout The Recruit programme I made many new friends, gained various different skills and greatly improved my confidence. And of course I won my job in the Chamber – which I still can’t believe I got! Being at the Chamber for a month, it has opened my mind to many diverse aspects of work and I have been introduced to many influential people who have put given me great advice.
Throughout my year here I hope to meet many more fascinating people, hear about their businesses and how they have achieved their success. After my year at the Chamber I plan on going to The University of the West of Scotland to study Social Sciences.
For more info on the Chamber visit
Photographed – Recruit host George Bowie, Chamber job winner Alison Fraser and Chamber CEO Bob Davidson