Book Week Scotland in Glasgow
October 6, 2016My Credit Union Renfrewshire
October 6, 2016THE Skoobmobile library bus has impressed judges in prestigious nationwide awards.

At the awards ceremony, from left are Pauline Simpson, Skoobmobile Co-ordinator, Laurence Doherty, Children and Families Mobile Library Worker, Andrew Givan, Children and Families Development Co-ordinator and John Vincent, chairman of CILIP judges
The children’s mobile outreach service – featuring friendly book monsters known as Skoobs – had been one of three finalists shortlisted in the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals’ Change Lives Award for best practice in UK library services.
The Skoobmobile, operated by Renfrewshire Leisure, stocks a broad range of children’s books in a flexible space with a range of activities based around play, reading, physical and digital activity for children up to the age of 12.
Following their visit to Renfrewshire, chair of the judging panel John Vincent remarked that the judges were very impressed with the work of the team and the obvious strong connections with schools and the community.
Although the award went to Norfolk Libraries, Renfrewshire Leisure staff were presented with a certificate in recognition of their excellence and good practice.
Andrew Givan, Children and Families Development Co-ordinator with Renfrewshire Leisure said: “The Skoobmobile team are really deserving of this award.
“They do a fantastic job bringing library services to communities and providing new opportunities for children and their parents to share stories and take part in Bookbug and play activities.
“The Skoobmobile is making a real positive difference to the lives of families in Renfrewshire.”