New advice team secures £610k for brain disorder families
April 19, 2016Aqua Works Scotland
April 20, 2016PROTECT YOUR CAT AGAINST DISEASES THAT FREQUENTLY KILL. SINCE THE MIDDLE OF MARCH CHAMPION VETS PAISLEY HAVE BEEN RUNNING OUR “CAT VACCINE AMNESTY” as part of our mission to give Paisley’s adult cats the protection from disease they deserve. Whether a pet cat is an indoor cat or goes out, be aware that cat ‘flu and leukaemia virus (FeLV) are prevalent in the community, are potentially fatal and vaccination provides excellent and reliable protection.

For just £39.95 we are pleased to provide a full course of two vaccinations three weeks apart PLUS a prescription worming treatment PLUS a full vet consultation PLUS a 10% discount in the unlikely event that any further treatment or tests are required!

This is a saving of over £25.00 on the vaccines and worming alone and was due to finish at the end of April. However, we simply to not have the consultation spaces to fulfill all the appointments that Paisley people require from us. Therefore, we are going to extend our amnesty until Saturday 7th May.
Please simply call your Champion Vets surgery on 0141 889 7638 to book and check out
New registrations are welcome and are free!