Paisley Abbey Concert Phil Cunningham and Aly Bain
September 30, 2012Glasgow Airport publishes holidaymakers’ guide to winter
October 1, 2012Historical Adventures Youth Theatre
Johnstone Class
Hello there and welcome to another update from the Historical Adventures Youth Theatre. During the past couple of weeks the children and teenagers of Johnstone have been very hard at work with our upcoming winter panto ‘Cinderella’. Poor Cinders is being forced to work away all day and night while her horrible stepmother and stepsisters are always out enjoying themselves (I’m pretty sure the parents of Johnstone can empathize with Cinderella). After a session or two, we have the cast members in place which everyone is happy with and we are steadily on our way to show our performance come sometime soon in early December (details will be available soon, please check our Facebook and our blog for updates).
We also had a new influx of new members to our Monday nights and as always with any Drama group, the more the merrier! This has brought our Johnstone register to just over twenty members! Meaning more performers which in turn means bigger things for the group which all adds up too lots more fun for all involved!
For more details or inquiries, please contact David O’Rorke by email at:
Or alternatively, contact by phone at the following number: 07812437559
The Historical Adventures Johnstone Youth Theatre takes place on a Monday night, in St Aidan’s Church Hall, starting at 6:00pm and finishing at 7.30pm. The first night for new members is free and each following class after that is £3.50 per person.
Foxbar Class
Hello and welcome to another update from Thursday nights here at Historical Adventures Youth Theatre. While planning to do our upcoming pantomime ‘Cinderella’ (dates to be announced please check our Facebook and continue following our blog for upcoming details) and the standard is really high with all the rehearsals we’ve been having, it really shows. The children have all been very hard at work and for a newly founded group they are learning the arts of stage craft very quickly. Parents of Foxbar probably have a hard enough time trying to keep their young actors sitting still for five minutes, well our job is to teach them how to stand still on stage for an entire performance (you can imagine how well this activity went during our first time trying it). Although, they are getting there and we have no doubt they will be more than capable when it comes to show time. The progress is there in leaps and bounds with every single scene we rehearse every week.
In saying that, just because we are working on our panto, does not mean we are full up. In drama, the motto will always be ‘the more, the merrier’ and that rings more than true for us here at Historical Adventures. Our Foxbar class takes place in the Foxbar Community Centre and begins at 5.30pm, finishing at 7.00pm. The first night for new members is free and each following class after your free trial is £3.50 per person.
For more details or inquiries, please contact David O’Rorke by email at:
Or alternatively, contact by phone at the following number: 07812437559 or go to our Facebook at