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February 23, 2022Neil Bibby MSP shows support for children’s mental health
February 23, 2022Two years ago, charity worker Mary Moran was all set to talk about Mary’s Meals with Paisley & District u3a members. Then the nation went into lockdown. So Mary Moran will be warmly welcomed as she shares ways the charity contributes to feeding the hungry. Come and hear her on Thursday 3 March in the Salvation Army Hall, Mill Street, Paisley. Doors open 1.30pm, with the AGM starting at 2pm.

U3a chair, Kathy O’Donnell remarked: ‘Words are so powerful. Mary’s Meals was created after a conversation in 2002 between Edward, a young Malawi boy, and the charity’s founder, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow. Edward hoped to have enough food to eat and to go to school one day. Twenty years later, Mary’s Meals feeds more than two million of the world’s poorest children every day they attend school. It’s an inspiration.’
Speaker, Mary Moran said: “Mary’s Meals is not only about feeding hungry children. Because the children are fed in school, it ensures that the children attend school every day, girls as well as boys. This is what will help to lift the children out of poverty in the long term. By telling the story of Mary’s Meals, I feel I am helping to make a difference.”
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