Tom Urie Visits Hamishes hoose
October 16, 2011Paisley wishes Western Isles well for the Mod 2011
October 17, 2011We are going to do a feel good factor next Friday, is there someone in your community that is doing something that you think is brilliant and you think they should get a little recognition for it? It’s all part of our positive Paisley drive, we see the people of Paisley being the driving force behind change in the town.
We need to know who those people are, so please and remember to make sure it’s alright to print their name or even if we can post a photo of them?
We can do a nice feature next Friday and really give these people a wee thank you back.
You can email myself Let’s get the ball rolling…. It could be anyone from a Lolipop woman to a teacher, to an owner of a business, your ideas are most welcome.
Let’s be positive about People in Paisley.