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February 15, 2022SEO is a constantly changing field Therefore, in order to remain competitive as australia online pokies affiliate, it’s important to keep up with these trends. These are some of the biggest shifts that we’ve seen over the past couple of years. The key takeaway here is this: if you want to get traffic, you have to embrace change. There will always be new search engines, new algorithms, new ways of doing things—and every now and then they’ll even roll out something completely new.
A1 Writers
The first trend that stood out for me was Google releasing a new mobile-first index. This means that Google has stopped caring about what device someone opens their browser from (iPad vs PC). Instead, they look at how users navigate through the web on any type of screen. It’s not exactly rocket science, but it does open up a whole new world for businesses.
Knowledge Graph
As we saw an increase in local searches, Google rolled out their Knowledge Graph which provides user-friendly information when searching for places like restaurants or hotels. Users can click on a restaurant icon and see reviews, ratings, map location, hours of operation, menus, photos, etc. Essentially, it makes the experience better by providing more relevant content for consumers. Not all websites can benefit from this update due to how large their site may be, however, small business owners who rely heavily on Yelp and Foursquare should definitely take advantage of knowledge graphs.
Image Recognition
The third and final big movement is image recognition. A few years ago, Google rolled out their famous penguin algorithm. While no one quite knows exactly why it named itself after a cold-weather creature, it did cause a lot of problems for mobile casino game sites that relied on text links alone. With Penguin 4.0, Google started using visual recognition on its algorithm, taking note of pictures of your company logo, products, services, and more. If your website doesn’t provide enough images for users to make a decision, then that could negatively affect your rankings.