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January 20, 2022New gym set for Argryffe Park in Houston thanks to Renfrewshire Council funding
January 20, 2022It is common to receive a substandard TV reception here and there however, most of the issues you face are most likely to be temporary. These faults are presumably down to weather issues, a damaged aerial, or obstructions blocking the signal if your TV aerial is outside. If the aerial is damaged, your best option is to call out an experienced professional from tv aerial installation, who can provide you with a new aerial installation or repair the old one. Pixelated and black screens can be frustrating to see, however, if the issues are temporary and come and go occasionally, we will explain some slight changes you can make to your TV aerial to enhance poor TV reception.
Keep your TV aerial outdoors
Although this article primarily revolves around outdoor TV aerials, we would just like to highlight the issues you may face if your TV aerial is kept indoors. Perhaps you installed an indoor aerial as there is a strong signal in your area and you would prefer to avoid the look of a large device attached to your home. Now, you face issues with your TV quality. It may finally be time to install your aerial outside. Indoor aerials can sometimes struggle to receive signal regularly due to the blockages and barriers from the walls and roof. If the aerial is transferred outdoors there is a higher chance of stronger signal and a significant improvement to your poor TV reception.
Ensure that there are no obstructions
When an aerial is installed, it should be as high up as possible to reach your local transmitter. This signal however can be blocked if there are interferences with the aerial for example, close surrounding walls or trees. If this is the case, try to have your aerial reinstalled in another position or perhaps higher up, this should improve the signal.
Align the aerial
During extreme weather conditions and over time after your initial aerial installation, the aerial can easily become misaligned, meaning that it will struggle to receive a signal. The aerial must be aligned towards the local signal transmitter however, sometimes it is not always easy to align the aerial yourself, especially if you don’t want to work at a height or go on top of your roof. In this case, contact
Install an amplifier
If you have tried all of the above and you are still experiencing poor TV reception, you may want to resort to installing an amplifier. Not only does this improve weak reception, however, it is also handy when it comes to distributing the signal to a few TVs within your home. There are three different types of amplifiers including masthead, set-back, and distribution amplifiers. It is important to ensure that you need an amplifier before installing one as they can do more worse than good if they aren’t needed. Masthead amplifiers fit directly under your outdoor TV aerial and are recommended to amplify weaker signals, so with this in mind, this may be your best option to improve the signal.