Various tobacco alternatives have been introduced in the market and provide a similar experience as nicotine products. These alternatives come with modifications like additional flavors and can be smokeless as well. 

Alternative tobacco products are available in both smoke-producing products and smokeless products. Smoke producing products include clove cigarettes, beedis, cigars, heat-not-burn tobacco products, and herbal cigarettes. Smokeless products include dissolvable and chewing tobacco alternatives. We will have a look at the brief details of these products in this article today. 

However, these are not the only options. You can also reap the benefits of tobacco from non-tobacco products like CBD gummies.

Smoke-Producing Products

1.  Cigars

A cigar comprises fermented and dried tobacco leaves wrapped in leaf tobacco. Cigars can often have flavors and come in various forms. 

They are measured by keeping two variants in mind, length and ring gauge. The size is measured in inches whereas, the diameter is broken into sixty-fourths of an inch form a nomen of the cigar’s diameter. 

There are plenty of different types of cigars that one can choose from but among the most popular are Bolivar Libertador, Cohiba Cuban Cigars and Cohiba Genios Maduro 5.

Cigars come in various forms and may be generally categorized as miniature cigars, cigarillos, and cheroots. Some of them include Petit Corona, Churchill, Lonsdale, Pyramid, Perfecto,       Robusto, and many others.


2.  Herbal Cigarettes

These cigarettes are entirely made up of natural products like herbs and have minimal quantities of tobacco. Herbal cigarettes may also include flavorings of some sort.

The herbal blend used in herbal cigarettes comprises of either completely herbal products or non-herbal natural products. The herbal products may include corn silk, mint, cinnamon, or lemongrass. The non-herbal natural products may consist of rose petals or clover leaves. Other products like flavorless bagasse and dried lettuce or shredded cabbage leaves might also be used. 


3.  Clove Cigarettes

Also known by the name kreteks, cigarettes are made using a mixture of tobacco, cloves, and some additional products. Clove cigarettes are of Indonesian origin and are imported from Indonesia mostly. The name kretek is an onomatopoetic term and was hence introduced due to the crackling and burning sound of cloves it made. 


4.  Beedi 

These are small and thin hand-rolled cigarettes and comprise tobacco flakes. They are usually wrapped in a tendu or Piliostigma racemosum leaf and are secured on one end with either a leaf or an adhesive. Beedis can come in flavors, too, and are imported from Asia. 


5.  Heat-not-burn Tobacco Products 

Heat-not-burn tobacco products use heat to release nicotine by heating tobacco. It is a battery-powered system and releases an aerosol when heated. 

Smokeless Products 

1 Dissolvable 

Dissolvable is the type of smokeless flavored products that come in the form of lozenges, strips, orbs, thin tooth-pick sized sticks, gum, or breath mints. The consumer holds these products in the mouth and either chew them or sucks them to allow them to dissolve and release the juices. 


2  Chewing Tobacco Alternatives 

Chewing tobacco alternatives are designed to be smokeless and are placed inside the mouth. These come in different forms like chews, plugs, snus, and snuffs.