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May 4, 2020Whether friends, pharmacists or doctors: wherever you hear about CBD or hemp, you will probably learn a wide variety of “facts” – and the more you hear, the more confused you get. There are simply too many contradictions. In this article, we take a close look at the 5 biggest myths about CBD and hemp.
Myth 1: The effects of CBD have not been scientifically proven
“CBD is just a placebo!” Most of us have heard this rumor and it is, in most cases, total nonsense. In fact, there are countless studies that look at how CBD works in relation to a wide range of symptoms, diseases, and health problems. You may find lots of researches done on CBD on YouTube and the internet everywhere.
Myth 2: CBD works within a few hours
THC products like Black Cherry Soda Strain can strike like a bulldozer. This is rarely the case with CBD. Yes, some people report an immediate improvement in their symptoms after taking CBD. Nevertheless, there is a high chance that you will not feel CBD the first time. A daily dose of CBD for a few weeks may be necessary before you notice anything. Anyone who said that he had tried CBD for a week or two and felt nothing didn’t understand that.
Myth 3: CBD is always the same
This is a myth that is totally pointless. Then you could also say: “All sources of caffeine are the same”, which of course is also not true. Or try replacing a tea drinker’s daily cup of tea with a morning caffeine tablet. Warning: It may get awkward!
As with different types of tea or coffee, there are big differences with CBD. CBD is even available in a wide variety of forms – from CBD flowers to CBD crystals and creams to CBD oils. You can even bake edibles recipes to consume CBD. CBD oils are also available in different concentrations and can differ in their plant sources. Therefore, CBD oils alone can affect the human body in different ways.
Myth 4: Hemp and CBD lead to a positive drug test
Whether CBD oil or hemp seeds: The consumption of legal hemp and CBD is guaranteed not to fail the drug test. Drug tests specifically look for THC – and as long as you stick to government-approved hemp or CBD with a maximum of 0.2 percent THC, you’re on the safe side.
So, in this case, we suggest you buy CBD products from reliable platforms only. Look for the ingredients, the detail, and read product reviews. Low-quality of CBD may have THC and other compounds which may lead to failing to marijuana test. Use only high-quality CBD.
Myth 5: Like THC, CBD, and hemp only work without intoxication.
This is a widespread misunderstanding. If you consume CBD or hemp, there is actually no feeling of intoxication – but THC and CBD, in particular, have very different effects in the human body. This ranges from the different influences on the endocannabinoid system via the pain receptors to the enzymes.
Interestingly, people use THC and CBD for different reasons despite different modes of action – for example daily heathy lifestyle, inflammation, stress, or arthritis. If you want to use CBD for any reason then please consult your physician to know about the dose and everything.