Statement from Glasgow Airport regarding an incident
October 19, 2012The Red Shoes – Paisley Events
October 22, 2012St Vincent’s hospice
We would like to welcome one of our new partners St Vincent’s hospice. Set in a tranquil location on the outskirts of Howwood, Renfrewshire, St Vincent’s hospice, provides specialist palliative care and support for people throughout Renfrewshire.
St Vincent’s is open to all who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, including cancer, motor neurone disease and other progressive conditions, and have specialist palliative care needs.
We see many more people in the community and other settings than we do at the Unit: caring for the family as well as the patient is one of our main aims and we offer home respite, and brief arranged admission to provide breaks for carers.
Visit St Vincent’s hospice on the web