Wallace Day 2010
August 13, 2010George Adam is Paisley Candidate!
August 16, 2010Community Champions recognised by Scottish Parliament
Aug 16 2010 by Alison Rennie, Paisley Daily Express
A NEW project which aims to honour voluntary groups and charities working hard in our communities has been recognised by the Scottish Parliament.
Community Champions is a new section on the popular Paisley.org.uk website which highlights a different Renfrewshire organisation every month.
The section was the brainchild of Councillor Kenny MacLaren who spoke to the Renfrewshire Council for Voluntary Services (RCVS) and Paisley.org.uk about new ways of promoting local charities and voluntary groups.Now West of Scotland MSP Stuart McMillan has put a motion in the Scottish Parliament recognising the initiative.
He said: “I would like to congratulate RCVS, Paisley.org.uk and Councillor MacLaren for working together to bring forward this new initiative.“This is an excellent idea to promote local organisations to a wider audience.“This collaborative approach will help to boost the profile of many local groups who don’t often get the recognition they deserve.“I was more than happy to lodge a motion in the Scottish Parliament in support of Paisley Community Champions, and I wish this project well in the future.
Brian McGuire, who runs Paisley.org.uk said he was honoured by the Scottish Parliament recognition.He added: “I am delighted for the groups that we are supporting. This is superb. To be written into Scottish History, albeit in a very small way, is really something, and I would like to thank all the MSPs who have supported the motion and also Councillor MacLaren for all his hard work.”Community Champions picks a different group to be their Champion of the Month.
A special profile is put online which highlights the good work the members have been doing and the services and opportunities the group offers.It can be found by logging on at www.paisley.org.uk/community Councillor Kenny MacLaren said community groups have been contacting him to put themselves forward as Community Champions.
He added: “The Community Champions project is an excellent example of people and groups coming together to find a solution to benefit all.“When I first raised this idea with Brian and RCVS I was delighted by the enthusiasm they showed.“This helped to drive forward a project that can be copied in other areas, and shows that Renfrewshire is leading the way.“Since its launch, I have been in touch with a few groups who have seen the press stories about this site and who are interested in putting themselves forward.
”Community Champions launched in July with a profile on Rainbow Turtle, which promotes Fairtrade across Renfrewshire.
This month’s Champion is the Renfrewshire Carers Centre. Any charity, voluntary group or social enterprise in Renfrewshire who’d like to be involved with Community Champions can contact Gordon Mclean at RCVS online at gordon.mclean@rcvsweb.co.uk or by calling 0141 587 2487.