Women’s 10k New Year’s Resolution
January 6, 2010Buy Paisley Merchandise
January 7, 2010
One of our visitors to the Paisley website and long term contributor, has had some problems with a member of his family having to be transferred to The Glasgow Royal Hospital as the RAH runs out of beds… here is a snippet from our message board…
Patients transferred to the Royal in Glasgow as the RAH runs out of beds
The winter toll is taking full effect on the RAH in Paisley countless people attending with broken bones after falling in the snow and ice are facing hours of waiting, its that bad that there isn’t enough operating hours in the day to cope with patient demand never before has Paisley RAH seen scenes this bad.
Tonight i saw for my self the full extent of whats going on behing the scenes as i spent 9 hours at accident and emergency and here is a personal senario i saw for myself tonight.
patient arrives at A&E at before 6pm
seen by doctors, diagnosed and being admited and left on trolley before 7pm
bed finaly got at nearly 2am after 7 hours on a hospital trolley and all this on a pensioner of nearly 90
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