Website Updates 14th Jan 08
January 15, 2008First of all I would like to say welcome to anyone who has not visited as yet, the Paisley website is a website which is aimed at promoting our town and the people who live in it.
The website has thousands of visitors each day and the website seems to be going from strength to strength each year. This year has seen me “Brian McGuire” redesign the website which basically has been the same for about 4 years or more “shame on me” I will tell you more why this has happened and what are my aims for the future of later on in this blog.
Also I bet your asking why the blog why not just put it direct on the website? Well yes I could put it on the website but where?? and also I want to try and get more people to blog about issues surrounding the town, it could be about the lack of quality shops or that the roads have too many potholes.. that is up to you.. I can help you get a blogger account or sign up yourself its free..
One thing though, abide by the basic rules of no slander, abuse, racism etc and you shall be placed on the main website and hopefully get someone to listen to you and get something done about your issue.
If you want to join our merry band of volunteers then I would love to hear from you, go to the main paisley website and click contact once you contact us we shall arrange a meeting if appropriate “you might be in New Zealand or somewhere like that, and unless you want to pay for me to come over then we will meet via email “
Well thats the first post out of the way, please come back often for more about some issues regarding either the Paisley website or the town itself.