Please Vote for Paisley on the Web: RBS Community Force

‘Paisley on the web’ is applying to the Royal Bank of Scotland Community Force fund this year for financial help so we can take our project of promoting the town of Paisley forward.

At the moment we are using the website (which now has 10,000 hits a day from all over the world) to promote Paisley and we have always done this in a positive way. We have had an amazing response not only from the press locally, but nationally as well and we help all sorts of community groups to do this. In fact, for the RBS community Force application process, we have been asked by no less than 7 community organisations to help them with the process, and we have taken photos and videos for these organisations as we see ourselves as an inclusive not exclusive organisation. As long as it is to do with promoting the town we live in and love then we will do it!

We want to be able to give our volunteers the equipment and training needed to promote events, the town, its buildings, its heritage, its culture and generally promotePaisleyin a positive way. For far too long Paisley has had a bad name and and its volunteers are changing that by getting out there amongst the community and telling people how good a town this is. We are part of the community, all our volunteers are from different backgrounds and all have one aim, which is to promote the town we live in or have our roots in.

It’s not a bad wee town, so we are asking just one thing, please vote for us on the RBS Community Force page, it will take less than two minutes of your time and will help us put Paisley back on the map in the most positive of ways.

Click here.


Please tell others about this project by sending them the link or this link. 

Here are some questions you may have about our project:

  • Who are you?
    • We are 12 volunteers all from various backgrounds but with one common aim – to promote Paisley!
  • Why are you doing this?
    • For too long we have heard of the negativity relating to our town and we want to do something about it.
  • Why do you need money?
    • We all use our own equipment and it’s simply not up to the job, we need cameras to take photos of events like Sma’ Shot Day, Accord Hospice day etc and then promote it to the world. We need computers to edit the photos and we need a website where we can upload the photos, we also need money for training materials to train our volunteers, it all adds up and you can help!
  • Do we make money out of this?
    • No! All money goes directly to equipment and the RBS are stringent on the rules, so every penny we get goes into helping promote the town.
  • Well why don’t the council just give you money?
    • We are not part of the council and like any local authority their budget is limited and we have tried. They have helped us in the past and that’s why our website has so much content, look what a little financial help does.
  • Can we volunteer to help?
    • Most certainly! We are always looking for volunteers who are keen to promote the town.
  • You mentioned training, what kind of training?
    • We have four unemployed people and two school leavers volunteering for the website, we are giving them new skills in IT, website design, photography and people skills which they will take with them for life. Not only are they getting these skills, they are loving every minute of it!
  • What if you dont get the money from RBS?
    • The simple answer is this, we will continue to struggle forward and promote the town to the best of our efforts, we are very positive people at and we will always have the commitment to take this project forward.


But let me ask you this, would you like to live in a town which has a negative stigma attached to it or would you like to live in a town which is not only proud of its history but also excited about its future, not only for us but for our children to grow up in? Then please take five minutes out and vote for ‘Paisleyon the web’.

Here is one of our videos to give you more information on what we do.



Please help us achieve our aim and vote for us. Click here