Website idea just clicked with Brian
BRIAN MCGUIRE was so annoyed with the image being portrayed of Paisley elsewhere in the country that he resolved to do something about it.
That was 10 years ago.
He decided to set up a website promoting the town in a positive light, and focus on the many good people and beautiful buildings, rather than the stabbings and muggings.
Only problem was, he didn’t know one end of a computer from the other.
However, Brian, 36, enrolled on a web design course and shortly afterwards, was born. Brian, who lives in Foxbar, said: “I was learning as I went along and a few people were taking note of the site, which was pretty basic in the early years.
“I got some coverage on the radio and soon site traffic was overwhelming. We had 17,000 hits a day. It went through the roof.
“I was then given a grant of £1,000 from O2 Telecom to purchase a digital camera and set about uploading some nice photographs of the town on to the site.”
Number one was established and soon became the number one site for ex-pat Buddies looking to get in touch with old school chums and former colleagues.
The site may be celebrating its 10th anniversary, but Brian can’t believe where the time has gone.
He said: “It’s just unbelievable. One minute I’m setting up the website, next we’ve got thousands of people logging on and now we’re 10 years old. Where has it all gone?”
The site now has a number of volunteers helping to keep it updated with news on Paisley and surrounding areas.
This includes community events and photographs of the area so that Buddies at home and abroad can catch up with the town’s news.
The website has a successful message board which has reunited many lost friends, and resulted in many a reunion night in Paisley involving people from as far away as Australia.
The site has recently launched a community video page allowing family and friends to keep in touch via webcam. This is entirely funded by Brian and the grant, which helped purchase a new laptop and camera. Brian has also created websites for other places of interest in Paisley such as the Mill Museum and Sma’ Shot cottages.
On his nomination, he said: “When I started this project it certainly wasn’t with future recognition in mind, although I’m extremely proud to have been nominated.”
“Brian and his small group of volunteers have helped change the image of the town. They have highlighted all that is good about Paisley.”