Sylvia Clark
Dr Clark was born on 1st April 1920 in London. She achieved a double first in English and Classics in 1941, then an MA in 1945.
In 1970 her colleague at the University of Salford, Harry Sheldon, encouraged her to join his new social studies department at Paisley College of Technology. When the college failed to establish an industrial archaeology course as she had hoped, she began her own research into archaeology and the industrial revolution in the local area.
Her efforts paid off, and for a time her studies on 18th and 19th century industrial sites in Renfrewshire were the only record.
Retirement meant Dr Clark could concentrate on writing. History of Paisley was published in 1988 and is still thought to be the best book on the town. She also studied – gaining an Open University degree in 1990.
Further contributions to the area included being a founder member of the Old Paisley Society (and playing a part in their acquisition of Sma’ Shot Cottages) and a co-founder of Renfrewshire Local History Forum.
She died on 26th of July 2007 and will be fondly remembered for her commitment to local studies and community life in Renfrewshire.
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